Tuesday 27 January 2015

Reasons that I made this project

I designed this project for several important reasons.

The modern world is vastly different to the world that existed before humanity emerged from Africa to colonize the globe. Throughout human history, we have fragmented into many different societies and cultures, whether because of a lack of resources, a lack of being willing or able to share resources, or humankind's general sense of curiousity.

Curiousity is a good trait, but I feel like human greed and personal motivations have been in control of the development of human society for far too long. We are out of touch with the needs of our fellow human beings, and we are out of touch with the impact that developed industrial societies have on the natural world.

I believe that we, as a species, owe it to the planet we live on to make sure that every member of our species has a chance to live a full and worthwhile life. We also need to do a much better job of making sure that our impact on the biosphere as a whole is not something negative, that cannot be repaired by natural processes. I would rather see humanity live on for a thousand generations, and then slip quietly into the evolutionary night, than see us all wiped out in some calamity of our own making. This is why I created this project. It probably isn't perfect. It probably isn't ideal to everyone. Some parts may not even be possible at all, but we must start somewhere. The things that human society is doing now simply are not sustainable in the long term.

The motto of my blog has been, from day one, "Harmony and humility". We should strive to be humble in our view of ourselves, and work toward a harmonious existence.

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